How to solve common winter flying problems

Typical winter problem #1: FREEZING OF WATER IN FUEL LINES

Aircraft that lack fuel heating systems are vulnerable to the freezing of small amounts of autonomous water in the fuel, which may block fuel lines, filters, and valves. To stop that from happening, fuel system icing inhibitors (“FSII”) are added to the kerosene.

Sometimes, it is possible to refuel with kerosene which has been premixed with icing inhibitors, but this is not always the case. As a solution, you can either premix FSII yourself in a recirculation tank, or directly add it to the stream of the kerosene during refuelling with a convenient aerosol product.

Aero-Sense ICE-5 Fuel System Icing Inhibitor solves this problem and is available in both 1 litre bottles or 500ml aerosols, or even 200L barrels and 1000kg IBC’s.

ASTM-D4171-03 compliant, chemical properties according to MIL-DTL-85470B & DEF STAN 68-252, British Joint Service Designation AL-41, NATO Code Number S-1745

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Typical winter problem #2: ICE ACCUMULATION IN FLIGHT

Frosty weather conditions can quickly lead to accumulations of ice on the leading edges (e.g., wings, tail, propeller, etc.) of the aircraft. This will not only decrease lift but also increase drag and disrupt the airflow around the airframe. Worst case scenario: stalling, engine halting, roll or pitch in a way that makes recovery impossible.

A reliable way to avoid these problems are TKS De-icing systems. TKS ‘weeping wings’ are based on a system comprised of laser-drilled titanium panels on the leading edges of the wings and tail surfaces. TKS systems use a TKS ethylene glycol-based liquid to coat surfaces and prevent ice build-up. TKS fluid mixes with the ice accretion, depresses its freezing point, and allows the mixture to flow off the aircraft without freezing. Because no runback icing occurs, TKS fluid provides total airframe ice protection. Additionally, even windshields and propellers can be equipped  with TKS spraying nozzles to keep them ice-free.

Aero-Sense TKS DE-ICING FLUID is the perfect companion for your TKS-panel equipped aircraft and is available from stock in 5L, 10L, 20L, 200L and even 1000L pack sizes.

D.T.D. 406B, British Joint Service Designation AL-5, NATO Code Number S-745

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TKS deicing fluid

TKS deicing fluid

Typical winter problem #3: RUNWAY AND TAXIWAY ICE

Thanks to modern equipment and careful planning, airports can keep runways and taxiways snow-free long enough for planes to take off and land. But the biggest challenge is keeping ice from forming on runways. Once ice bonds to the runway, it’s no easy feat to get it back off. Highway departments use salt-based chemicals to keep ice from forming on roads. They work well, but cars do sometimes rust as a result. Corrosion and airplanes do not mix, so in the aviation industry, specialised products that don't affect metal on the airframe are a must-have.

Aero-Sense GRANDI-U2 RUNWAY DE-ICER is one of those specialised products. It is a sodium formate-based de-icing/anti-icing product for airport runways, taxiways and aprons, containing corrosion inhibitors and is effective down to -18°C. Available from stock throughout winter in 20kg bags and 800kg pallets.

AMS 1431 certified

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Typical winter problem #4: AIRFRAME ICING & FROST WHILE ON GROUND

While TKS De-icing Fluid is a great solution for in-flight de-icing for aircraft equipped with TKS systems, sometimes additional ground de-icing can be required. Ground de-icing fluids are the solution. They are propylene glycol based products and come in different colours, making it visibly clear that not all are created equal. For smaller aircraft flying at lower speed, thicker aircraft de-icing fluids such as Type II (yellow) and Type IV (green) are not a perfect fit, as they don’t shear off at these speeds.

The best product in this case is a Type I De-icing Fluid (orange). They are thinnest of this type of fluids and as such, they can be used on any aircraft, as they blow off even at low speeds. That also means that they do not guarantee additional protection after de-icing, but they are ideal for the removal of snow, ice and frost from the frame and wings.

Our TYPE I DE-ICING FLUID has a non-corrosive, triazole-free and readily biodegradable formula containing an enhanced low foaming surfactant and dye package which provides excellent surface wetting and can easily be spotted on treated surfaces. Available in 20L cans, 200L barrels or 1000L IBC’s.

AMS 1424 certified

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