Grandi-U2Runway De-icer
Grandi-U2 is a sodium formate-based de-icing/anti-icing product for airport runways, taxiways and aprons. Common salt or other chloride-based de-icers are not recommended for use in runway or apron de-icing due to their corrosive properties. The solid irregular granules can be used for curative (de-icing) and preventive (anti-icing) treatments. The product contains corrosion inhibitors and is effective down to -18°C.
Made in the EU
Non-corrosive: a safer alternative to road salt
For preventive and curative applications
Manual dosing, or dosing with an applicable spreader
20 kg bag
800 kg pallet (40 bags of 20 kg)
AMS 1431
Grandi-U2 can be dosed manually or with an applicable spreader. Thick layers of ice or snow must be removed physically before application. General application rates*: De-icing: +/- 50 g/m² - Anti-icing: +/- 25 g/m². Higher dosing may be required depending on the ambient temperature, surface structure and the quantity and quality of the ice/snow.
Avoid turbine engine ingestion during use. Hygroscopic product: exposure to atmospheric humidity may cause caking.