SuperCORR A is designed to lubricate and protect against moisture and corrosion, surface static electricity, corona and other electro-migration problems. It is hydrophobic (disperses and displaces water) and prevents contamination on all surfaces in humid conditions or when exposed to saltwater. It does not impede the flow of electricity through connectors. The product forms an airtight seal which prevents acid, voltage or battery electrolytic leakage.
No sulphates, chlorides or halogens
Non-toxic, non-flammable
Non-reactive to most plastics
Highly corrosion resistant
Will not freeze and is resistant to air-drying
Retains properties even when applied at high altitudes
270 ml aerosol (net volume)
= 340 g / 12 oz. (net weight)
= 454 g / 16 oz. (gross weight)
Chemical properties according to
MIL-L-87177A, type I, Grade B
Industry approved by the US Military, NASA, Boeing Aircraft Corp., Bombardier, Embraer, Lear, Gulfstream, Hawker-Beechcraft, Cessna, Raytheon, Polish Airforce, Northrop-Grumman, Royal Navy and the Royal Norwegian Air Force.
Amtrak trains run across the USA in extreme environments that include blistering heat, ice, rain, snow and humidity and at temperatures ranging from -40 to +50 °C. Rolling stock is subject to salt, acids and other contaminants in solution and to high vibration levels and forces. High power demands in wet conditions and conductor corrosion can lead to overheating, which can cause explosions within the connections. Replacing the non-conducting connectors and coating with SuperCORR A can eliminate these failures and keep trains rolling.
If you have similar problems with connectors on aircraft in high power applications, get in touch!